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Helpful Videos

Below we provide information videos for hearing aid users, including how to change wax guards and how to pair hearing aids with your smartphone.

Changing Wax Guards

Most manufacturers use a wax basket style system to protect your hearing aid from ear wax.  

Widex and Oticon use this type of system, but the systems look different.  Widex wax baskets are on sticks (which are similar to Oticon’s first generation of wax baskets) and Oticon uses a “turtle-shaped” system.  Older Phonak hearing aids (Audeos, for example) use the same looking system as Widex hearing aids.

Changing your Widex hearing aid wax basket

Changing your Oticon hearing aid wax baskets

Phonak Marvel hearing aids use a very different type of system called Cerushields  Below is a video describing the process of changing your wax filter using the cerushields.

Phonak Cerushield wax filter change

Pairing Hearing Aids to iPhone

The next section describes how to pair hearing aids to your iPhone.

Pairing your iPhone to your Widex Moment hearing aids

Pairing your iPhone to your Widex Evoke F2 or Beyond hearing aids

Pairing your iPhone to your Oticon More hearing aids

Pairing your iPhone to your Oticon Opn or OpnS hearing aids

Pairing Hearing Aids to Android

Pairing your Android to your Widex Moment hearing aids

Pairing your Android to your Oticon OPN hearing aids

More Bluetooth Tutorials

If you are considering hearing aids, I recommend Dr. Eleanor Wilson in the strongest terms. She is very knowledgeable and patiently explains the alternatives. Over the years, every time I’ve had a problem with my hearing aids, she has quickly solved it. In addition, she and her staff are also very friendly and easy to approach. One other thing, the business of aids for hearing is not strictly regulated in the way that, for example, doctors are. Whether you choose Dr. Wilson or not, be SURE to consult with a registered audiologist.
Laird T.

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If you do not receive a response to your inquiry in a few days, please call us directly at 661 323 2601 (Bakersfield) or 661 823 0717 (Tehachapi).

Thank you, we'll be in touch. For immediate assistance, please call us at one of the numbers below.
Bakersfield Location:  (661) 323-2601
Tehachapi Location: (661) 823-0717
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